About Us

2014 Arizona Chapter of American Mothers Inc
President: Susan Ray
1st Vice President: Judy Ward
2nd Vice President: Tamara Passey
3rd Vice President: Karen Miskin
Secretary: Melody Wagner  
Treasurer: Peggy Glass
Nominating Committee: Genevra Bond, Caroline Ray, Melba Miskin and Leola Leavitt 

L-R Peggy Glass, Melody Wagner, Susan Ray, Tamara Passey
 2013 The Arizona Chapter of American Mothers Inc
President: Susan Ray
Past President:  Myrna Sheppard
1st Vice President: Janelle Spilsbury
2nd Vice President: Lila Shoemaker
3rd Vice President:  Karen Miskin
Secretary: Cathy Shepherd
Treasurer: Peggy Glass

5th Grade Essay:  Alyson Dale
Literary Contest: Joan Sowards 

For more info please contact:  Cathy Shepherd at: playsmusic@hotmail.com 

American Mother Pledge:

I Pledge...
TO ask God's help as a parent in today's world...
TO encourage honesty, integrity, patriotism and the application of moral values in every area of American life beginning in my own home...
TO enhance the spiritual foundation of my home by precept and example...
TO love, nurture and educate my children remembering the power and influence of a joyful home...
TO see opportunities to strengthen my family by working, playing, serving and praying together...
TO foster personal responsibility and respect in my home and community...
TO serve my family and community through personal development as an individual, parent and citizen...
TO support and promote positive programs for children and families...
TO wage a vigorous campaign against abuse and violence in all its forms...
TO remember that with God, all things are possible.


Arizona AMI provides wonderful opportunities for moms to reach out to their community in a variety of ways. We promote:  (click link below to see info on the national blog)

5th grade essay contest 

support ABC quilts

encourage literacy programs 

We actively fight against pornography and get involved in legislative issues that impact the family.

We welcome opportunities to serve in the community, to minister to troubled women, and to support involvement in our children’s schools.

For information regarding our programs, contact Cathy Shepherd-secretary - playsmusic@hotmail.com

Individuals, adults, and youth groups are invited to have fun making quilts for disadvantaged children. Arizona AMI has teamed up with ABC Quilts to provide this community service. Click on "support ABC quilts" for more information.


The ideals of American Mothers, Inc.® began in the heart and mind of Anna Reeves Jarvis as she sought to heal the damage done to families caught in the conflict of the Civil War. By organizing a day of love and friendship across battle lines, this simple observance grew into the national holiday known as Mother’s Day, for which American Mothers is the official sponsor. First organized in 1933 as a division of J.C. Penny’s Golden Rule Foundation, American Mothers embraced all faiths and recognized the important role of the mother in the home, the community, the nation, and the world.

Armed with the mission of promoting Mother’s Day and recognizing outstanding mothers, the first National Mother of the Year ® was named by Honorary Chairman, Sarah Delano Roosevelt in 1935 at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. Every year since then, American Mothers has selected a remarkable mother from nominees among the 50 states, District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for this important honor. There is a Hall of Fame plaque located in the south lobby of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel (former home of American Mothers) that lists every National Mother of the Year ® since 1935.

For more information go to American Mothers Inc.