Saturday, April 12, 2014

American Mother's Pledge - Monthly Thought

I pledge to enhance the spiritual foundation of my home by precept and example..
            Many families start and/or end their day with a devotional or reading from the scriptures. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we fortified our children by arming them with the words of God before they left home each day? They could “put on the whole armor of God” (Eph. 4) and be prepared for any obstacle or opposition they may face and have the strength and confidence to defend their faith.
            Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the last thing a child heard every night is that his parents love him/her and so does God? A story from the scriptures as they lay their heads on their pillows, would give them something peaceful and calm to think about and dream of as they rest through the night knowing God is loving and merciful to those who love Him.
            Knowing that God lives, that He loves us and that His word is recorded in the scriptures really makes a difference in the lives of our children. They have courage and confidence in themselves as they learn what God expects of us and they behave better and strive harder. Trials in life may seem impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Lila P.Shoemaker

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